Hurricane Preparedness Supply List
If sheltering in home, always prepare supplies for your home as well as supplies for evacuation.
Things to Consider:
Things to Consider:
- Purchase enough supplies of nonperishable food and water to last 2 weeks. Learn how to prepare and store emergency water and food
- Make a plan of who does what, when, where, and why
- Document the contents of your home. The NAIC has an app for iPhone and Android users to assist
- Know where your water shutuff valve is and how to turn off the electricity to your home
- Install or test your smoke detectors
- Fill your has tanks full in automobiles
- Create or establish links to family and friends outside of the state
- Know emergency arrangements for your child's school
- Make an evacuation plan for your pets
- Put copies of all important documents in waterproof containers

Home Supplies
- Keep 2 weeks of cash on hand
- Keep 2 weeks of nonperishable food
- Store at least 2 gallons of water per person and pets per day
- Stock up on prescription medications, first aid and personal care items (i.e. Eye Glasses, contact lens and cleaner, toothpaste and brush, etc.)
- Fill propane tanks for grills or fuel for camp stoves
- Find or purchase flashlights and make sure you have enough batteries
- Make sure you have matches or lighters to light grill, stove or safety candles
- Fill a cooler with Ice for food.
Evacuation Supplies
- At least 2 weeks of cash
- Important documents in waterproof container
- Store at least 2 gallons of water per person and pets per day
- All of your prescription medication(s), personal care items, clean clothing and a first aid kit
- Pack pets and carriers to keep them contained
- Cooler with ice for food
- Battery operated radio and flashlight with extra batteries
- Phone, Pad/Tablet, computer chargers